Knoda iPhone App Now Available in App Store

Knoda iPhone App Now Available in App Store

Kansas City-Based Startup Releases First Public Product a Month
After Securing Seed Funding

Knoda (NODE-uh), a Kansas City-based company, released an iPhone application today that allows users to make predictions about anything. Knoda encourages friendly competition around the already-pervasive action of predicting the future. The application is free and available for download from the App Store here.

“We are thrilled to release our first product to iPhone users,” Co-Founder Kyle Rogers said. “We can’t wait to see people’s predictions and how competition takes off within the community. We are proud of this first release and look forward to learning from user feedback so we can iterate and improve the product quickly.”

Knoda users make a prediction about any future event such as which team wins MLS Cup or what a celebrity couple will name their next baby.



Other members of the community then vote on whether they think the prediction will be right or wrong.




After the result is determined through crowdsourcing, Knoda gives credit to the correct side and records the win/loss record of predictors.




Users can comment on one another’s predictions to share their reasoning or engage in good-natured trash talking.


Predictions can be shared to social media sites, allowing predictors to brag about successful prognostications.

Knoda secured seed funding in early November and has four full-time employees. The company plans to launch Android and web versions of the product in early 2014.

Higher-resolution and full-screen versions of the images included in this release are available by request. Contact Knoda to schedule private demos of app functionality for on-camera or background purposes.

About Knoda: Knoda is a technology company that provides users an app-based platform to make, track, rank and archive predictions. Knoda technology scores predictions and reports each user’s successes. The aggregated predictions represent a unique form of crowd-sourced content. To learn more about Knoda, watch their pitch from SparkLabKC Demo Day August 23:

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Kyle Rogers   



[email protected]
