

LittleHoots is a mobile application designed for busy parents to capture, create, archive and share precious things their children say and do. Think scrapbooking reinvented and on-the-go. The app allows users to capture an image or text, and then use artists’ templates to instantly transform the moment or quote into a bit of memorabilia.

The background:

  • 92% of moms are connected to the Internet and access Facebook on their smartphone at least once per day
  • 22 million of those moms have young children and frequently use social media as a tool to post and share their children’s quotes, dialogue and photos

The problem: These memories get lost in the social noise and there’s no easy way to safely archive them for the future. Parents need a better way to preserve their children’s memories.

The solution: LittleHoots is designed to help parents capture, beautifully create and easily archive their children’s lives. It all happens in one simple, mobile platform so memories are beautifully designed and archived on the go. Parents can also share memories to their favorite social networks or simply keep them private. 

LittleHoots won Startup Weekend Kansas City #7. The value for parents caught the attention of the judges at the Startup Weekend. Naithan Jones, co-founder of Kansas City area startup AgLocal, was on the panel of judges. “They are tackling a real problem that social media today is struggling with, and it combines that with a very viral group (moms) and a very strong emotional message (sentiment),” he said in an email. “If they can key on user acquisition via mom’s groups, private groups in the app and then provide backward discoverability of pics and photos that existed prior to the install of the app, they will have a winner.

The company will benefit from Digital Sandbox KC’s resources that support prototype development, testing and functionality refinement.