It all started with a great name for a great website. Brandon Schatz of figured out he had a winner when he grabbed and launched a platform and marketplace for sports photographers to store and sell their sports photos.

The Digital Sandbox KC is helping Schatz develop a business model and set up a beta service with local high schools. “Some companies in the Sandbox don’t really require an investment of dollars,” said Jeff Shackelford, director of Digital Sandbox KC. “Brandon needed some coaching, guidance and connections to the right people.”

One connection was to TechStars Patriot Boot Camp, a competitive program held this summer in Washington, D.C.  “I really appreciate the Digital Sandbox folks letting me know about this opportunity,” Schatz said. “They also connected me with Dan Strattman (Airport Life) who went through the boot camp last year so I could figure out the best way to use my time there.”

TechStars Patriot Boot Camp is an intense three-day program under the RisingStars umbrella. The program works with a selected group of veterans and service member founders to build technology companies. Participation in the Patriot Boot Camp may be the catalyst for Veterans and Service Members to kickstart a company, find cofounders and advance as entrepreneurs. 

The RisingStars program was created to spur interest from some demographic groups that are underrepresented among technology startup founders, with the goal of extending technology company startup opportunities to these target groups. 

Brandon also made news recently when his photo of The Color Run in Brooklyn was featured on the cover of New York City’s Metro newspaper.