Vector Legal Method

Vector Legal Method

Vector is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) case management solution for litigation (law firms, attorneys, and clients).  Designed and tested by several litigators, Vector applies a uniform and intuitive structure that all litigators can use to organize their workflow.  It effectively manages document storage and retrieval, the case deadlines and tasks associated with those documents, and provides “at-a-glance” case status overviews and case summaries (for case tracking, reports and analytics).

Despite the litigation industry’s size and sophistication, until Vector there was no standard architecture to define and structure the legal events and related documents in a case.  Individual lawyers have been forced to cobble together their own system to organize and track the progress, results, next steps, and strategy of each case.  As a result, litigation has often collapsed into a jumbled mess of documents, deadlines, tasks, and to-dos that are collected and reside across disjointed products, platforms, and hard-copy files.  This critical flaw hamstrings lawyers and undermines the existing litigation management products, which provide technology without the critical underlying architecture at the core of Vector.  

Vector brings lawyers and litigation into the 21st Century by doing for litigation what did for salespeople and sales managers.  A quick glance at the Vector dashboard will (1) show attorneys, law firms, and clients the status and stage of each case or groups of cases, (2) enable authorized attorneys to quickly go from that overview to any document, deadline, or to-do related to a specific case, and (3) empower law firms, attorneys, and clients to track performance over the life of a case or a group or series of cases.  Finally, because Vector’s underlying organizational structure effectively provides a definitive litigation roadmap, it also promises to standardize and improve associate and law school training and educationcase; and (3) empower law firms, attorneys, and clients to track performance across the course of a case or a series of cases.