

Welltodo is a mobile health technology company that is bringing personal health care into the age of big data and the intelligent machine. Founded by Chris Cardinal, Jim Console M.D., and Will Landecker, the company leverages the latest advances in data analytics, medical monitoring, and behavioral science to target chronic diseases with personalized behavioral interventions and disease management steps that lead to improved health outcomes.

Traditional models of health care don’t adequately utilize the ever-growing availability relevant personalized health data that we leave behind just by living our day-to-day lives. This leads to:

  • A more fallible health care system full of health care recommendations that are based on insufficient and often outdated personal and population information
  • Denied relief to chronic disease sufferers
  • Accelerating system wide health costs proportionate to population aging and chronic illness cases
  • Significant global economic burdens from employee absences, workers’ compensation claims, and lost worker productivity

Welltodo’s initial product leveraging their Smart Health Platform is Welltodo Migraine, a mobile application which predicts individuals’ migraines, warns them prior to an attack, and gives personalized actionable insight on how to manage upcoming attacks. Currently migraine affects 11% (783M) of adults worldwide with a three-times higher rate in women.

Proof of concept funding will assist in implementation of a pilot study for their mobile app, Welltodo Migraine.